Q: How do I set up my Twill Hammock? 

A: Every Twill Hammock comes with some simple instructions on how to get hanging in nature! However, if you're a visual learner like us, we've put together a 60 second video 'how to' video that might be useful. Check out our "set up" page for more info.

Q: How long will my Twill Hammock take to set up? 

A:  Tom's claim to fame is that his hammock hanging record is 37.4 seconds! Of course this happened on the one adventure Will couldn't attend haha. 1-2 minutes is a good time to aim for, but every tree has it's own unique quirks when it comes to setting up, so don't stress if it does take you a few extra minutes.

Q: How many people can I hang with in my Twill Hammock? 

A: Our hammocks have been designed so there's plenty of room to hang comfortably with another adventure buddy. As long as you're under the weight rating, fill the hammock with as many humans as you please!

Q: What weight can my Twill hammock take? 

A: Our hammocks passed the test with flying colours at weights up to 300kg. We reckon 200kg is a pretty safe bet for regular use though! 

Q: Can I sleep in my Twill hammock? 

A: Absolutely. The Twill Outdoors Hammocks go pretty darn good for a kip. Whether used for a day nap out in nature, or a space saving alternative to a tent on your longer expeditions - rest assured you'll get some great rest in your Twill Outdoors hammock! 

Q: How long is the lifetime warranty? 

A: At Twill Outdoors we reckon it sucks when a "lifetime warranty" isn't actually as it suggests. So for as long as you're around, and as long as we're around - your hammock is covered by warranty. No funny business here.